Claim your Frame!

When we carried out a survey to find out what people thought of the underpass under the A10 between Melbourn and Meldreth Station, respondents were eager to see new artwork in the underpass, designed by the community.

We have been working with a local artist on a design which will be able to incorporate art from different sections of the community.

The design is an “Art Gallery” layout along the length of the walls, with different sizes and shapes of frames painted on the wall. The plan is for each of these frames to contain an artwork devised by a group or organisation with links to Meldreth or Melbourn. To create a “Wonderland” feel, a border will stretch the length of the underpass and include plants, flowers, mushrooms and creatures.

We expect the artworks to be created on paper, then these will be transcribed onto the underpass walls either by the group concerned or our artist.  Download our How to Guide.

We need the artworks to be ready by the end of March and the painting will take place in the Easter Holidays.

If your group, school, club or organisation would like to participate, then claim your frame! Please contact Sarah Grove

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