
Foxton Level Crossing

Accessibility at Meldreth

The group has successfully campaigned for a safety upgrade at Foxton level crossing and a feasibility study of long term solutions for the crossing, a project involving close cooperation with Network Rail and the County Council. More

One of our major aspirations is “Full disabled access at Meldreth Station”. Currently the London-bound platform is totally inaccessible for wheelchair and push-chair users. More

Foxton Crossing
Meldreth Ramp

Rail User Concerns

50% Discount on Student Season Tickets

We are in regular contact with GTR about timetable, station and service issues. More

The Cambridgeshire Student Connect card offers discounted rail travel to all students aged between 16 and 18 years old in full time education. More

Govia Thameslink Railway Logo
Meldreth Station

Local Rail Improvement Plan

Meldreth Road Level Crossing

The aim of the Local Rail Improvement Plan, is to identify areas for achievable improvement in access to local rail travel. More

Network Rail have proposed an upgrade of the level crossing on Meldreth Road, Shepreth. The CRP have objected on several grounds. More

Rail Improvement Plan
C3R Poster