Platforms for Change

Platforms for Change is a collaboration between Community Rail Network, the wider rail industry and the Scouts, which will see groups ranging from Squirrels to Explorers visiting their local stations and engaging in community rail activity. Groups can use this as a new and different place to work towards a range of badges, not just the Rail Industry sponsorships, all while giving back to the local community.

Activities for groups can include:

  • Learning about rail safety
  • Bug hotel building
  • Planting flowers/sowing seeds
  • Watering plants
  • Weeding
  • Filming a Backtrack pledge
  • Litter picking
  • Painting the station
  • Taking a train trip
  • Receiving a safety briefing by station staff
  • Getting a ticket/going through the barriers
  • Placing pictures/artwork in frames at the station
  • Taking pictures/helping with social media
  • Fundraising

Find out more about Platforms for Change.

If your group would like to take part in Platforms for Change at one of our stations, please contact us.