Young People


Services for schools, colleges and youth groups in South Cambridgeshire

Rail Safety for Schools

Rail safety workshops for schools play a crucial role in educating young people about the dangers associated with railways. Workshops are free and delivered in your classroom.

Workshops can be followed up by a free return train ride on the GTR network, which can be tied to a class topic or curriculum area.

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Try a Train

Our ‘Try a Train Trips’ provide an opportunity for those who lack confidence travelling by train to visit our stations and to experience a train journey.

The events are aimed at those with any form of barrier to travel, such as those with any form of disability or access needs, senior citizens and non-English speakers.

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Platforms for Change

Platforms for Change is a collaboration between Community Rail Network, the wider rail industry and the Scouts, which involves groups visiting their local stations and engaging in community rail activity. Groups can use this as a new and different place to work towards a range of badges, all while giving back to the local community.

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To book a rail safety session, station visit or a Try a Train or to discuss Platforms for Change please contact Sarah Grove