
Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton Rail User Group


  1. The name of the Association shall be *Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton Rail User Group.*
  2. The aim of the association shall be the retention, improvement and greater usage of the Cambridge-King’s Cross line between Royston and Cambridge, and with local bus services which should be integrated with it.
  3. Membership shall be open to all persons and bodies in agreement with these aims on payment of a minimum annual subscription.
  4. The association shall be governed by a committee consisting of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer and 3 other members. These shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting to be held in the spring of each year. Members shall receive at least two weeks’ notice of the Annual General Meeting and of any other general meeting that may be called from time to time. The committee may co-opt members to replace any who may resign during the course of a year; and may also co-opt up to 3 additional members during any 12-month period between AGMs. Railfuture East Anglia shall be entitled to nominate one member of the committee, with voting rights. The committee may appoint from within its ranks any additional officers that may be deemed necessary, eg. Vice Chairman, Membership Secretary, or Publicity Officer. All meetings shall be open to the public.
    The Annual General Meeting should receive accounts, preferably audited.
    **Any resolution not received by the committee before their last meeting prior to the AGM may not be acted upon until after the following AGM except for emergency motions or at the discretion of the new committee.**
  5. Any amendments to the constitution shall be made at a properly convened General Meeting of members; as shall be any decision to suspend or disband the association and dispose of any funds that may be left.
  6. A quorum shall be 50% of the committee.

Introduced by Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton Rail User Group, Inaugural Meeting, 23/02/2010.