Anglia Route General Manager attending Rail User Group meeting

The Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton Rail User Group meets September 11, 7:30PM, Melbourn Village College (details here, and we are expecting Andy Bottom, Anglia Route General Manager, to attend so that he can explain the pedestrian gate failure at Foxton Level Crossing between August 25-September 1.
He will also be updating us on work toward a feasibility study for ‘all options’ in conjunction with Network Rail’s aspiration to close the level crossing.
In the past we have had frustratingly little effective contact with Network Rail, and while there is an enormous amount of work to be done to sort out safety concerns at Foxton, it is good that Network Rail are sending their senior officers to our Rail User Group meetings to explain and listen.  There is no choice but to be persistent and keep on the case.
This is a public meeting and all are welcome.