Wildflower planting along new path
Please contact Susan if you would like to be involved in helping to create sustainable,
biodiverse planting of the verge along the new path between Meldreth Station and
Melbourn. Along the lines of what has been achieved at Shepreth, Foxton and Meldreth
Stations by our station volunteer gardeners, the idea is to keep an eye on the environment
of the path (and the ‘Wonderpass’) and for it to be kept in good form.
Ramp to Meldreth Station London Platform
The Community Rail Partnership is coordinating efforts for funding and delivery of an access
ramp connecting the new path to Meldreth’s London bound platform.
Recently we invited our MP Pippa Heylings, Network Rail which owns the station and some
of the land required for a ramp, Govia Thameslink Railway, Meldreth Parish Council
representatives, and the County Council’s Transport Strategy team, to meet at Meldreth
Station to explore possibilities. We also invited TTP, The Technology Partnership Melbourn,
which has made a developer contribution toward a ramp (as they did for the new path)
owing to the encouragement of their workforce to commute by public transport where
Paintwork on the Wonderpass
It has been upsetting to see problems with paint bonding at the Wonderpass. We are
looking at next steps to rectify this.
Do let us know if you or someone you know would like to volunteer, in any capacity
including the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme for young people, assisting at Shepreth,
Foxton or Meldreth Station gardens.
Susan van de Ven and Sarah Grove
Meldreth Shepreth and Foxton Community Rail Partnership
susanvandeven5@gmail.com, sarahgrove.msfcrp@gmail.com