Advance Warning: Foxton Level Crossing closure


Network Rail have informed the Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton Community Rail Partnership that:

‘We will be doing engineering work at Foxton level crossing over the Christmas period. As a result of this, the level crossing will be completely closed to vehicles and pedestrians continuously between Wednesday 25 December 2024 until Monday 1 January 2025, with further night-time closures over the following days.

The work will include renewal (replacement) of

  • Rails, sleepers and ballast in the area
  • Railway points west of and at the level crossing
  • The road crossing
  • The pedestrian foot crossing

Amongst other things, we will be replacing the physical rail through the crossing and at the junction just west, as well as the rubber-like crossing ‘deck’ over which vehicles pass through the crossing.

In total, we will replace over a mile of track, along with other works as above.

There will also be an engineering train located on the crossing itself for some of the works, which is why we cannot do the works whilst keeping the crossing open even for pedestrians.’

In response, we have indicated that the intensely local nature of walking and cycling over the Foxton Level Crossing, which sits in the midst of a residential community (both Foxton itself and surrounding villages), should somehow be protected during the period of works. 

This movement includes people using the A10 path to cycle to work in Cambridge, and in particular at the Addenbrooke’s Hospital/Biomedical Campus site.  With no trains running during this period the active travel commuting option will be even more important.

Please let us know if you’d like to join the Community Rail Partnership mailing list for general updates.

Susan van de Ven and Sarah Grove, Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton Community Rail Partnership or

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