Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton Community Rail Partnership news – July 2024


Rail service advocacy and Meldreth station path upgrade

Thank you to the British Queen Meldreth for hosting the recent AGMs of our Rail User Group and Community Rail Partnership, which were attended by residents from Foxton, Barrington, Shepreth, Meldreth, Melbourn and even Cambridge and Waterbeach, as well as Govia Thameslink Railway and the Community Rail Network.

We have now consolidated the essential work of these two groups into the Community Rail Partnership which, going forward, is the single rail advocacy organization for our community.  We will continue to use the email ‘’ so please feel free to write to us via that channel.

A ‘station partnership’ for Meldreth is in the process of being organized.  In addition to a one-off £500 small pot for station projects, the partnership will be eligible to apply for other grant funding.  The CRP will provide support.  Thank you to Meldreth Parish Council for its willingness to host this partnership.  This follows the establishment of a station partnership at Shepreth which is hosted by Sustainable Shepreth.  We hope to establish a station partnership in Foxton too.

Path upgrade, Meldreth Station to Melbourn: We will be sharing all news about this significant piece of work, hopefully due to commence by the time you read this.  Anything to do with land transfer and legalities seems to take a very long time!  

The pedestrian diversion during path upgrade will need to follow Station Road, as there is no better alternative available.  This is not ideal, but the route will be supported by bespoke crossing points.  Works are expected to take about 11 weeks.  The new path will be lit and wide enough to safely accommodate all forms of active travel.

Official communications say:

How the works will be carried out 

Our contractors, Milestone Infrastructure, will be working on the path for approximately 11 weeks aiming to start at the end of July and finish in October.  

Works will take place during daytime hours 7.30am-5pm Monday-Friday and the path will be closed at all times, seven days a week. Unfortunately, there is no space to provide safe, temporary access outside working hours alongside our contractor’s machinery, equipment and materials. 

We know the works will affect people who rely on the path – particularly when the school restarts in September – and we would like to apologise for any inconvenience that might be caused. As mentioned, a diversionary route will be put in place to allow access between platforms. 

We hope to get as much of the works completed as possible during the school summer holidays. We will work with our contractors to minimise disruption as much as possible. 

Contacts and keeping up to date 

There are three ways for the public to stay up to date: 

1.            Online:  

2.            Contact our contractor:  

3.            Monthly email updates: selecting greenways when you register at 

If you’d like to be on our mailing list for more detailed and timely updates, please contact us.

Thank you,

Susan van de Ven and Sarah Grove

Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton Community Rail Partnership or, or Susan on 07905325574

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