From the Chair 1st April 2023


Our recent Rail User Group meeting saw strong attendance by Network Rail, to talk about anticipated works around the creation of Cambridge South Station, and the 12 April Public Inquiry that will consider objections to the proposal for a ‘full barrier’ at Meldreth Road Shepreth level crossing.

Cambridge South will revolutionize pubic transport from our areas to Addenbrooke’s. We talked about practicalities of getting from the new station to patient destinations, for those needing assistance.  We asked for an early meeting with timetable planners given the importance of our station services linking directly to Cambridge South – rather than first to Cambridge and then back-tracking.  Network Rail will return to our Rail User Group when there is more to report.

For the Meldreth Road Shepreth Level Crossing upgrade we queried level crossing control arrangements and potential impacts at Shepreth and Foxton Station level crossings.  In fact, we learned that the new level crossing system would be managed from Cambridge. The 2018 installation of the full barriers at Shepreth Station had led to excessive down times, creating significant new safety issues on surrounding road networks – and we said that lessons must be learned and similar outcomes avoided. We accepted the offer of a site visit ahead of the Public Inquiry, to discuss concerns.

Duke of Edinburgh and volunteering opportunities generally were highlighted as usual at this time of year:  Please get in touch if you’re interested in helping out with station gardens and keeping the flower tubs watered.

Many thanks to all to all who keep our stations looking lovely.

Susan van de Ven and Sarah Grove

Meldreth Shepreth and Foxton Community Rail Partnership or

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