Thank you so much to the 375 people who responded to the consultation on the A10 underpass that many of you use on a regular basis for walking to and from Meldreth to Melbourn. This was a fantastic response and we’re especially grateful to all those Melbourn Village College students who took a moment out of their morning commute to let us know their thoughts about how to improve an increasingly forlorn and neglected space.
Highlights of the summary include:
- 375 Responses
- 59% of responses from Melbourn residents, and 25% from Meldreth residents
- 36% of respondents would avoid using the underpass in the evening and 69% of respondents would avoid using the underpass at night
- 62% feel the underpass is not well enough lit at dusk and 81% feel it is not well enough lit at night
- 49% of respondents would like new artwork in the underpass, designed by the community
- 38% would like the vegetation to be trimmed and kept neat.
See our infographic below for a summary of the responses or you can read a full analysis of the responses here.
Change is now on the way and over the course of the next few months you will notice more light, a comprehensive spring clean and new art murals fit for 2023! All based on thoughts and ideas from the consultation response.
Lots of you said that you’d like to help out in future on a voluntary basis, to help keep this space smart and tidy – a bit like Meldreth Station where the platforms are kept clean and cheery thanks to Meldreth Station gardeners.
If you provided your contact details with your consultation response, we’ll be in touch directly – or please let us know that you’d like to be involved.
Thanks again!