Update from GTR on the Fen Line Trains September 2022


Train services on the Fen Line between King’s Lynn and Ely will continue to be altered for at least nine more days while Network Rail corrects the track alignment. This has been caused by the peat underneath the track shrinking during the recent exceptionally hot dry weather which has moved the tracks slightly. We have therefore had to introduce a number of speed restrictions over the affected areas slowing the service down for our passengers.

Network Rail had originally planned for these works to be completed by 25 September but this was delayed during the mourning period for Her Majesty The Queen. We kept the route open so well-wishers could travel to London to pay their respects.

The remedial works are expected to improve the track alignment and remove the worst speed restrictions. We aim to restore through services from King’s Lynn to London from Wednesday 5 October, although this will be subject to final checks.

To complete the work as quickly as possible, and minimise disruption to passengers, a decision has today been taken jointly by Network Rail and GTR that the line will close early at 20:45 each weekday evening, Mondays to Fridays up to and including Tuesday 4 October. Last trains will run from King’s Lynn and Ely around 20:00 with replacement buses replacing the service during these times to help passengers complete their journeys.

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