
GTR have announced that, due to significantly fewer people using the railway, from 4th September the train service at Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton after the morning peak from 10am will be reduced to one train an hour. This increases to two trains an hour in the evening peak after 3pm, then after 8pm the service on this route will again be hourly.

You can see the new timetable here.

For more information on why the changes are taking place see the Great Northern or Thameslink websites.

In these unprecedented times, regaining rail services lost to the pandemic has been very challenging, with uneven progress as ground is gained, then lost, and gained and lost again. The reduction in service that has been announced for September is disappointing though not surprising in the extraordinarily difficult current climate. Importantly, peak time services have been protected, as has the 50% student discount for Cambridge-bound students, unique to our area and supporting the school commute by train from day one of the new academic year. Meanwhile, we continue to keep close contact with our train operating company, and urge everyone who has the opportunity to choose rail whenever possible, as ridership growth is fundamental to regaining ground.

Please do let us know how these changes will affect you, and we will pass on any concerns to the train operating company (

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