Following on from the news that Network Rail was unable for now to fund the progression of the feasibility study to close Foxton Level Crossing, I’ve met up with Network Rail and Cambridgeshire County Council, because the problem of pedestrian safety and faulty gates persists.
Both parties have agreed to the suggestion that we should explore what short-term measures could be put in place to mitigate safety problems – not just the faulty gates but the other hazardous elements of the overall configuration of the crossing. For example, there is no refuge inside the pedestrian crossing on the Barrington side, but this could be rectified by moving the gates out onto Highways-owned land. It sounds like common sense that something should be done – but sadly it is an endlessly complicated business, and all the more so as it involves two different agencies. However please rest assured that a continuing effort is being made, and if you would like to get involved to help make the push, the Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton Rail User Group would be delighted to hear from you.
Once again please do continue to communicate any concerns or incidents – Network Rail has asked us to maintain an incident log via the Rail User Group, so just drop an email to
Meanwhile, though nothing along the lines of level crossing closure will happen before 2019 when the next Network Rail funding cycle commences, pressure must be applied in anticipation, and other meetings are scheduled on that front. Network Rail says that all the work done thus far on the current feasibility study, including the Foxton Parish Council consultation, has been enormously helpful in scoping what ultimately happens – because level crossing closure is inevitalble.
Many thanks.
Susan van de Ven